The Proclamation of the "Dada-Decade Weimar 2022" sets the stage for the 100th anniversary of the "International Congress of Dadaists and Contructivists" of which the spearhead of European Avant-garde was assembled in the Classicists Town and in Jena from the 25th to the 27th of September 1922. Among the participants were the Dadaists, Hans Arp, Hans Richter, Kurt Schwitters and Tristan Tzara, the Constructivists El Lissitzky, Theo van Doesburg and László Moholy-Nagy in addition to the Bauhaus students Karl Peter Röhl and Werner Graeff.
The Galerie Markt 21 and the Klang Projekte at Weimar are inviting through their initiative to the acknowledgment of the modern and rejection of petty mindedness! They reach directly to the Impulses of the Bauhausers who, with their legendary feasts, sow a well-suited medium for the "protest against middle-class complacence, indulgent and pretentious lives" and "which themselves, seek to mutually protect against luke warm life", as Walter Gropius put it.
In this "tradition-direction" Franz Liszt ought also to be mentioned, as his innovations were met with misunderstanding and rejection by Weimar citizens. In response to this, he formed the "New Weimar Corporation" with his friends in 1854 about which the poet, Peter Cornelius stated: "Weimar is a large town of 13,000 citizens. New Weimar is a little community but has 13,000 enemies."
With the "Dada-Decade 2022" we are not dealing with collective monument conservation, but with the mobilizing of the creative powers, which exist today in the "free scene". It aspires to use the "potential of subversives" out of which, even during the GDR times, developed self-sufficient initiatives and brought in all newly adopted creative powers and groupings.
The first highlight is the Joy Feast, the first WEIMAR DADANETA, on the 7th of May at the Marktplatz. A “work in progress”, for which the preparations will be running at high levels, yet is hoping for many presentations. Whether in the "Absurd Choir", "Garbage-Orchestra" or "Tonal Bicycle-course" participants will be sought, who want to contribute to the success of the spectacle!!! There will be transparencies made, on which one can read what moves or annoys particularly young people. There will be a "speakers corner" for the airing of individual texts. And so on, and so forth… !
Michael von Hintzenstern
översättning: Dominic Eckersley